Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that has become a public health problem.The problem is so serious, that we are surrounded by people who unfortunately suffer from this evil, there are families where dad or mother are sick, but also the disease has already reached some of their children and in the future probably their grandchildren.

This is confirmed by the following statistics, worldwide in 2000 there were approximately 140 million diabetic people and thereafter has had a vertiginous rise.In a short time its figure tripled and according to WHO, in 2014 there were 422 million adults with this disease and its prognosis is very worrying, because it indicates that it probably doubles in the next 20 years.

In the case of Mexico, the situation is very similar, in 2006 it was estimated that there were around 7 million suffering from diabetes between the diagnosed and those who did not know about their illness, while for 2015 the International Federation of Diabetes estimates that there are aroundof 15.3 million (between them) with ages that fluctuate between 20 and 79 years.

Depending on the previous figures, we can deduce that for our country, approximately 13 out of 100 Mexicans suffered from diabetes in 2015. Therefore it is very common that in our environment we will find people with this disease and the most alarming thing is that a large part of themThey do not exceed 50 years of age.

We are in a situation where the number of people with diabetes daily continue to increase, because the population does not do their best to change their eating habits and exercise, which are the main defenses to avoid overweight and obesity that in theMost cases are the cause of diabetes.

Especially since it is not easy for most of us to stop eating those foods so attractive and tasty (but rich in fat), the delicious snacks and chelas when it comes to social and sports events, much less the soft drinks that withThe heat it makes, well ice cream delight the palate, but that contain enough sugar.

Even many of the people with diabetes, when they are pointed out that they must change their food and exercise and say phrases like "if I am going to die that it is well eaten" or "I have to die", "pure story of the story of theDoctor, I feel very good, "" Look at my compadre, he's very fat and has never given him sugar. "

The same happens with those people not accustomed to exercise, it is very difficult to get out of their routine and seek pretexts such as "at this age to exercise", "I have no time", "my legs hurt," "ThePark "," Tomorrow I start "," Little by little with walking I'm going to heal ", among other excuses.

This has been reflected in the main causes of death of the population, from the 25th place that occupied as a cause of death in 1968 and according to INEGI, in 2015 the diabetes mellitus and the ischemic diseases of the heart are the main causes of death in Mexico, byWhat has become common to hear the phrase "died from sugar."

The problem is serious, in Mexico every year between 70 and 80 thousand people die for diabetes and also die without enjoying a good quality of life, due to the effects that diabetes causes in the body.Therefore, it is necessary that we gradually change eating habits and exercise, because otherwise we will swell the diabetes mortality statistics.