For adults it is still uphill to get medications to control diabetes and hypertension.This was thrown in the second report of the medicine shortage index prepared by Convite Civil Association, during the first half of June (14-15/16).

The information was announced by the NGO activist, Luis Francisco Cabezas, who said that the investigation continues to show the serious crisis in the country due to the lack of medicines.

As main results of this measurement, Cabezas highlighted the increase in the percentage of shortage of drugs to control diabetes between the end of April and the second week of June from 75% to 88.3%.

In the same way, the 98% decrease to 86.3% of hypertensive shortages indicated in the same period as in the case described above, however-for him- this result does not represent any incentive.

"The results of drug scarcity for both morbidities remain very high, for us, older adults remain discharged from the lack of drugs and is a clear evidence of violation of the right to health of this population," said the activist.

He reiterated that the elderly continue to cut the pills to perform the treatments, measure that - to their judgment - does not guarantee the control of both pathologies.

"We are extremely concerned about this situation, if an older adult does not take his medicine for hypertension or diabetes, he can mean, even a lethal effect," he said.

Faced with this reality, Luis Francisco Cabezas, reiterates the need for the National Government to allow the entry of international aid, of course, under the coordination of the competent official authorities, civil organizations, pharmaceutical unions and those affected.

Technical aspects

In relation to the design of the Medicinas Deic Firewater A.C., Luis Francisco Cabezas, explained that “with medical advice we perform a basic medication basket consumed by hypertensive patients and with diabetes;And we consult 40 pharmacies located in the 5 municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Caracas, of a total of approximately 164 establishments.

The basic medication basket is made up of the following active ingredients:
• Diabetes: Metformin, glyclazide and glibenclamide
• Hypertension: Enalapril, Valsartan, Athenolol, Nifedipine, amlodipin and potassium articles.