The American multinational Coca Cola has tried to buy medical wills in Spain, with more than 12,117,664 euros between 2010 and 2015. With this amount it has subsidized societies and studies on nutrition, medical colleges, CSIC scholarships, universities, and congresses even in theCapital of Cuba.

The generosity of the soft drink company has reached 289 scientific activities, which have exposed part of the shame between food industry and public health.They are detailed for more than a month on their website.But it seems that they have been difficult to detect and more to spread.

The case of the Diabetes Foundation touches the story of the fox in charge of the chickens.A company whose star product-in its original version- contains the equivalent of eight tablespoons of sugar per vessel, has financed it with 227,600 euros, to make its annual career and participate in a hall on Mediterranean diet.
suspicious independence

Scientific societies of cardiology and endocrinology and nutrition defend that aid does not reduce their independence or suppose a conflict of interests with health.They also consider that collaboration is essential to celebrate congresses and investigate.

His argument is close to the beverage company.The official objective of these altruistic subsidies was "to understand better aspects of nutrition in our country and be able to adopt appropriate measures", as well as "raise awareness about the study of healthy life."Rafael Urrialde, current director of Health and Nutrition at Coca Cola Iberia, and former Health Responsible for the Union of Consumers of Spain (UCE) says.An organization, by the way, characterized by its lukewarmness regarding consumption, even childish, of sugary drinks.

blame the lack of exercise

Independent scientists have it clear.The sponsored "research" are aimed at bringing importance to the consequences of excessive intake of added sugar, and diverting attention to the lack of physical activity, an indispensable but not sufficient condition.

Some reports without sponsorship even refute that physical exercise in urban environments is less than in previous decades.To see obesity, you just need to go out.Diabetes is not seen with the naked eye, but ends up blinding.

dose problem

Doctors say that it is not that sugar is bad.As stated by Paracelso, the dose makes the poison.But we have gone from consuming 4 kilos per year and inhabitant in the 18th century to some spooky 70 kilos today.Consequence: cases of obesity and diabetes have triggered.

The latest WHO recommends that we should take about 50 grams of sugar a day.The average consumption in Europe is double, 100 grams.Once otherwise, the ideal would be for sugar to suppose 5% of the caloric contribution and never more than 10% in a diet of 2,000 calories.In Spain, we consume more than triple than recommended.

Two tablespoons of white and brown sugar represent the recommended daily dose.

sugar in supermarkets

Specialists also warn that other soft drinks that may seem healthy, such as Gatorade or Powerade, also overflow with sucrose (scientific name of sugar)."You should start by withdrawing the positive qualifier of soft drinks to these drinks," proposes an endocrine of the Madrid Jiménez Díaz Foundation.

An international study, disseminated by doctors Barry M. Popkin and Corinna Hawkes in The Lancet magazine, ensures that sugar has an invisible presence in up to 75% of prepared and sale foods in the super.Some as unsuspected as fried tomato, chicken broth, cheese andPackaged ham, and pipinillos.