Diabetes is one of the predominant chronic diseases in the population;However, it is one of the ones that are less diagnosed.In the world, about 175 million people do not know that they have it and those who know, only 50% adhere to treatments, which represents a great impact on the world economy.

Carlos Baños, Vice President for Latin America of Eli Lilly, indicated that according to a study conducted by Funealud called “Economic Load of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Mexico”, 87% of the expenditure that is destined for this disease, is used forTreat complications, which are totally preventable.

“The economic burden represented by diabetes begins to be a great concern.The estimate that the study throws is more 360 ​​billion pesos, which would be the equivalent of 2.2% of GDP, ”he says.

He indicated that the expenses are divided into two areas: direct, which involve medications, hospitalization and medical care, as well as indirects where income from work disability or low productivity is lost.

In this regard, Dr. Marino Fernández, medical director of Boehringer Ingelheim, said that according to the National Survey of Health and Nutrition (Ensenut 2012), 87 million deaths are recorded annually in the country due to diabetes complications such as diseases such as diseasescardiovascular, kidney problems or stroke.

"It is estimated that 40% of diabetes patients will have kidney problems if they are not controlled properly," he said

Lack of adhesion, the main cause of complications

For her part, Diabetes educator Alejandra Álvarez mentions that the main reason why complications arise is because treatment is not done correctly.

"80% of the success of the treatment is in the hands of the patient, but according to the World Health Organization, only 50% follow it properly," he said.

He stressed that it is commonly considered that the treatment consists of taking medications, but it is not so since it involves lifestyle changes.

"Diabetes is one of the conditions that have more alternatives to be treated and is one of the most deaths," he said.

The specialist indicates that many are the factors that intervene in the patient to ignore the indications of the doctor and some of them are:

- Emotional aspect, because when the disease is known, denial, anger, fear, guilt or depression occurs.
- Availability of medicines
- Make the decision to carry good habits such as eating well or exercising
- Traditions
- Social environment

In addition to these reasons, there is another that occurs more frequently: the consumption of “miracle products”, which guarantee the rapid recovery but in reality, can cause serious damage to the patient since in most cases, they leave the drugsand other indications for these alternatives.

“Many fall into the temptation of these alternatives because who sells it is usually like the person with diabetes, understands, while the doctor does not know what that person really lives, but using products that are not part of the treatment, cause theTotal uncontrol of the disease what will lead to complications, ”he says.

How is a correct treatment?

Another problem that the diabetes educator mentions, is that many who follow the treatment only take their medications, which is not enough to have good control, since there are other components that must be followed as they are:

Take a good diet: you should eat every three or four hours, consume more fruits, vegetables and good fats such as those that provide nuts, as well as reduce portions.Remember that the palm of your hand represents a portion.
Exercise: The ideal is to do aerobic exercise in themeasure that the patient can.

Having good glucose monitoring: it is necessary to know if control goals are being achieved.Glycosylated hemoglobin control (HBA1C) must be below 7%.

Sleep well: have eight continuous rest.

Properly control stress: perform enjoyable activities and relax.

Stop smoking and drink: the ideal is to reduce your consumption to the minimum or avoid it completely.

“All patients need something that is easy, something that allows you to continue with life, so it is important to follow simple therapies like these.Each indication must be personalized and enjoyable, ”he concluded.