Patients and health professionals in the Northeast Health Management Area of ​​Granada participate in the Diabetes Classroom of the School of Patients, held at the Baza Hospital.With this activity, the school begins a new classroom in the Northeast Granada health area on one of the chronic diseases that affects more people in Andalusia.

Diabetes workshops are intended to train patients, who will then be the ones who advise and accompany other people with their same pathology in the most important aspects of control of their illness.For this, the director of the Patient School, Ángeles Prieto, responsible for giving training to these referents.

Nursing professionals and referents diagnosed with diabetes of the localities of Baza, Campo Cámara and Guesecar also participate in the training, which will be responsible for advising the diabetic groups of these localities in the monitoring and improvement in the process of their diseaseThrough this initiative.

These groups will be organized with the collaboration of the Internal Medicine Clinical Management Units of the Hospital de Baza y Guesecar, where diabetic patients interested in participating in this initiative may go.During the meeting, patients and health professionals share a space for training and reflection on care strategies aimed at avoiding the possible complications that may arise as a consequence of this pathology (diabetic foot, diabetic retinopathy, heart problems, ...).Participants also receive training materials and information on the disease of useful for patients.