In Mexico about 9.5 percent of the population suffers from diabetes, of that figure, approximately 10 percent do not know how to live with the disease, which causes the sick to request medical care when they present severe consequences and the treatments they require are very expensive.

This was said by Ernesto Monroy Yurrieta, head of the Coordinating Unit for Linking and Social Participation of the Ministry of Health, when inaugurating the work of the forum “Moving your health, promoting agents of change”, which took place in the Higher School of Medicine of Medicine of the Medicine of theNational Polytechnic Institute.

On behalf of the Secretary of Health, José Narro Robles, Ernesto Monroy explained that the Mexican population is at risk of decreasing their life expectancy with the increase in this type of disease, since coupled with diabetes, seven out of 10 Mexicans are overweightor obesity.

"Given this situation, it is essential to approach the university community to through you, intervene effectively in society and achieve a change in lifestyles that allow us to modify the epidemiological profile that Mexicans face today," he said.

The objective of the Forum is to promote the participation of students of the Bachelor's degrees of Health Sciences from various universities in the country, to develop health promotion actions in the population where they will have influence, in order to promote healthy environments.

Ernesto Monroy explained that to date 11 forums have been made in eight federative entities, with a participation of six thousand 140 change agents.The issues that have been exposed are: healthy lifestyles for the control and prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases, obesity, diabetes and cancer, as well as sexual and reproductive health.

Finally, when addressing students, “doctors have recognition and leadership by the community, therefore, their training must be focused on the prevention of diseases mainly overweight and obesity, as well as encourage the change in life and practice stylesexercise "

In his speech, Eleazar Lara Padilla, director of the Higher School of Medicine, said that obesity and diabetes are the central themes, caused by bad lifestyles of the population, hence the emphasis on the academic training of the students of the students ofMedicine is focused on prevention issues.