The specialists gathered at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), which has been held in Munich, have been able to listen first hand the progress aimed at achieving a more comprehensive control of the disease, where the factorsCardiovascular risk becomes special importance.

Proof of this are the data of the Leader study, in which it has been shown that the treatment with liraglutida, developed and marketed by Novo Nordisk under the name of Victoza, reduces the rate of cardiovascular events.According to data from a patient subgroup, it is possible to reduce the hospitalization rate for heart failure by 13 percent, in patients with or without previous cardiovascular pathology.

And it is that prevention is one of the objectives that arise in the approach of diabetes.Javier Escalada, from the University of Navarra Clinic, has explained to a medical newspaper that starting to treat risk groups before diabetes debuts can have positive results, "taking into account the studies that have been presented these days."

Thus, the looks are directed to those who begin to develop what is called prediabetes, "which is already considered a risk category."You cannot leave people with family history or women who have had gestational diabetes.Treating pharmacologically these patients is an option that charges more and more strength.

Fernando Gómez Peralta, of the Endocrinology Unit of the General Hospital of Segovia, which has referred to some works that show that Liraglutida achieves glycemic control with a stabilization of weight.

This population group must be taken into account.The figures speak of 15 percent of obesity in children and adolescents, who will grow and probably develop diabetes.Early intervention can help delay its appearance.

For that, a global management of the disease is essential, which has the intervention of the different specialists, "piloted by the endocrinologists," Escalada and Gómez Peralta have pointed out.

Weekly Administration: The same efficacy with the best quality of life

One of the novelties presented in Munich refers to the form of administration.Javier Escalada, De la Cun, highlighted the advantages of Semaglutide, an analogue of the LPG-1 that Novo Nordisk investigates and whose administration is weekly.

The New England Journal of Medicine has published a study, coinciding with the celebration of the LII Annual Meeting of the EASD, which indicates that, in patients with type 2 diabetes with high cardiovascular risk, this drug significantly reduces the cardiovascular mortality rate, infarctionof non -fatal myocardium and non -fatal stroke.

"Its administration in dose of 0.5 and 1 mg achieves good glycemic control without gaining weight," explained the first author of the Study Steven P. Marso, of the Kansas Medical Research Center.It is still in the investigation phase, but, according to the Spanish endocrinologist, the results are promising and can improve the quality of life of many patients.

It is expected to reach the Spanish market in 2020.