According to official data, diabetes is a disease that affects twelve percent of the Honduran population, that is, we are talking about 960 thousand people who would suffer from it, of which an average of 9.5 dies daily, which theIt becomes one of the first five main causes of death in Honduras.

The worst of this situation is that only fifty percent of the affected population knows it and the rest ignores it, because it is a silent disease that does not have symptoms, at least in its first stages.In addition, many do not have access to health.A true problem for the country's public health that does not have enough resources to face it, or with the political will to do so through massive prevention programs, or with the functioning of specialized centers, which there are not.

Although diabetes is incurable, at least you can have under control and live with it to avoid its terrible ravages.It is what I do and that I have taken very seriously from the moment I was diagnosed with prediabetes, which is the first stage of type 2 diabetes. This is very simple, making certain adjustments in our diet, exercising daily, taking theprescription drugs and, finally, controlling our blood sugar level under the supervision of a specialist.

As an effect of this terrible disease I have seen in recent days succumb to several friends, and I have known others who have suffered the amputation of one of their lower extremities.The lack of knowledge, the lack of commitment of patients, the neglect or abandonment of medical treatments could be one of the reasons that trigger the pernicious effects of diabetes, in addition to sedentary lifestyle and inadequate feeding and other risk factors thatThey produce a premature death.Therefore, a true government campaign is necessary that counteracts, as required by our fundamental law that obliges the Honduran State to have a national health plan.

Diabetes should be a matter of national priority.Its impact on society and the country's economy should not be underestimated by shortening our productive life or tithing our population.It is necessary to deal with this serious problem through effective programs that promote the health of Hondurans.