In order to promote integration, sports practice and as a preparative of the commemoration of World Diabetes Day, which will be on November 12, the Diabetes del Uruguay Foundation will take a day of October 8, an awareness day, contact withNature and physical activity on the Athletics Track of the Batlle Park, in Montevideo.

In our country there are more than 260,000 Uruguayans (8.2% of the population) that have diabetes, although it is estimated that 20% have it and do not know (more than 500,000), according to the Republic Gisele Mosegui, presidentof the Foundation.

The activist said that "our country is 'mirror' of what happens throughout the world", and added that "the diabetic numbers that currently exist worldwide are those that were expected by 2030", so "you have toimprove and much the prevention and education campaigns that exist. ”

With regard to tomorrow's activity, it has as its objectives, in addition to promoting physical activity, that young people discover athletics as another alternative, integration between boys with and without diabetes, naturalizing the treatment of type diabetes1.

From 14 to 18 hours

This move will start at 2pm.with the realization of competencies with Olympic disciplines according to three ages categories (up to 10, from 10 to 14 and 15 to 18 years).

They will participate in four disciplines: for the smallest they will be launch of Vortex, long jump, speed in 50mts and posta 4 × 50;and for over 10 will be speed-80mts and 100mts, 5 × 80 and 4 × 100-, long jump, back and bullet ball launch.

At the beginning of the activity, glycemia controls will be carried out, finished the competencies will share the snack and as a closing there will be a talk about the importance of physical activity by the athlete Leonardo Schiavone.

The move will end around 6pm.Those who wish to participate should be recorded previously to the mail detailing full name, age, diabetes (no / if and type of diabetes), reference adult telephone and contact mail.

Mosegui added that “participation is free, so we invite you to take a toy to donate to the Reference Polyclinic Diabetes Unit of the Pereira Rossell Hospital.They must present a valid child/adolescent card or certificate of physical aptitude.It is not mandatory to be trained in the different disciplines.All boys can participate.There will be a physical education teacher to instruct each discipline. ”

The activity is organized by the FDU and supported by sports of the Municipality of Montevideo.

Diabetes, a silent disease

What characteristics do you have and how is it prevented?

"The disease is" silent ", because in many cases it does not manifest until it is very advanced," Gisele Mosegui told the Republic, based on the medical information that the FDU has.

He recalled that there are two types of diabetes, type 1 and 2. In the latter case it can spend years without the person finding it and only perceives it when he already has complications.

It can be detected if medical blood sugar routine controls are made.

Meanwhile, type 1 has a clearer diagnosis, since the person does not produce insulin, and that causes decompensations and other symptoms such as thirst, hunger, is always tired and quickly losing weight.

"This has an alert, which is the‘ diabetic debut ’, to which parents and doctors have to be attentive and do the relevant controls," said the activist.