The day is organized by the FCCR and the University of Navarra Clinic.


The speakers will discuss from different areas related to diabetes, putting in common knowledge to understand this disease, "with the aim of offering an integral vision and moving towards a more coordinated action," according to the University of Navarra Clinic in a press release.

Specialists will treat various factors related to the disease, such as the most appropriate diet for diabetes patients, the complications that this pathology can lead to and its relationship with obesity, among others.In addition, they will deal with the importance of exercise, new drugs and future perspectives.

The coordinators of the event are doctors Juan Manuel Ruiz Liso, head of the Pathology Service of the Integrated Health Assistance Management (GIS) and director of the Caja Rural de Soria Scientific Foundation, and Javier Salvador, director of the Department of Endocrinology andNutrition of the University of Navarra Clinic.The presentation will be carried out by the director of the Innovation Classroom in Pharmacological Therapy, Dr. Jesús Honorato.

Among the speakers, Ruiz Liso will deal with the issue of diabetes in relation to public health;Ruiz García, a specialist in cardiology and hemodynamics at the University Hospital of Torrejón (Madrid), will address the cardiovascular complications involvedDiabetes.

For their part, the endocrinologists Javier Escalada San Martín and Salvador Rodríguez will focus both on the new existing drugs to fight this pathology as well as the future perspectives.Finally, the GIS processes director, Jon Gastelu-Inturri, will be in charge of closing the debate forum and will do so with a reflection on the landscape of the administration in relation to this disease.