“Teenagers with diabetes experience situations in their day to day that require constant decision making so that the control of their disease is the closest to normal;So, possessing the necessary knowledge and the appropriate skills is essential. ”

This is stated by Roca, a diabetes educator and collaborator in the Diguan Miles project, the importance of initiatives that also, to help patient associations to promote therapeutic education, reinforce the importance of adherence to treatments and give toKnow the diabetes in the social environment of the adolescent, communicate in the same tone as these patients and through the channels in which they do.

An example of an educational project that meets these requirements is Diguan.This nice blue character was created two years ago by the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED), the Spanish Pediatric Endocrinology Society (SEEP), the Federation of Spanish Diabetics (Fede) and Sanofi.

Diguan has type 1 diabetes and must learn to face situations similar to which a teenager who suffers the same pathology can be found.His new challenge is to go around the world to continue helping to improve diabetes control among adolescents."It has been proposed to virtually travel the five continents and to get it, you need the help of real people to give you kilometers that allow you to move forward," explains Roca.

In an interview issued digitally healthy, with the collaboration of Sanofi, the nurse explains that she participates in the “Diguan Millas” project along with Iñaki Lorente, an expert psychologist in diabetes, and Beatriz García, a pediatric endocrinologist."We are the professionals in charge of answering the questions and comments that the Diguan posts and that need a clarification for the understanding of all participants," he says.As a diabetes educator, she describes that her function is "to help acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the management of diabetes so that it can be an active part in the decision making of the different stages of their life."

Daria Roca

The “Diguan Millas” project is vehicle through a website and Facebook.There are 2 ways to donate kilometers to Diguan: through Facebook interactions, adding comments, images or likes to Diguan, or performing real physical exercise.Adolescents who want to help Diguan in this last way must access the web and with the Wefitter application they will be able to yield the kilometers they have done in their physical exercise.The little ones can also register their physical activity and put their grain of sand in the project since a special program has been developed through the Startup Esporti Revolution.

The kilometers that this nice character receives will allow you to travel virtually five different stages, each of which themed by an important aspect of diabetes: the European stage (refers to physical exercise);the American (will be related to the importance of wearing a healthy diet);The trip through Africa (the central axis will be the self -diagnosis of the blood sugar level);The experience by Oceania (the theme will have to do with therapeutic education);and the Tour by Asia (the importance of a good insulin injection technique will be reinforced).

"Diguan wants to go further and more adolescents with diabetes," he emphasizes Roca.The collaborator in Diguan Miles recognizes that “the digital world advances very quickly and, although educators in diabetes lack more predisposition to enter fully, they are already aware that digital tools are a present solution, complementary to interactwith both professionals and people with diabetes.It is also a means of information or dissemination of informative material. ”