Experts are necessary to customize the treatment of diabetes for their "different" possibilities of evolution.

Experts gathered in the XIII Continued Training Course in Endocrinology and Nutrition, organized by the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) with the collaboration of Lilly, have highlighted the need to customize the treatment of diabetes for their "different" possibilities ofevolution.

During the meeting, specialists have updated multiple areas related to the specialty, addressing aspects of endocrinology, nutrition and diabetes, and including and emphasizing the latest advances in diagnosis and treatment of those diseases that are treated within ourspecialty.

"Pediatrician, Primary Care Physicians or Laboratory Specialists are just some examples of all health professionals who may be involved at some specific time in the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with diabetes, so it is essential that they all have training with trainingPrecise and updated on the disease, so that we can give in each case the most adapted solution, "said one of the course coordinators and continuous formation vocal of the Board of Directors of the SEEN, Miguel López.

The relationship between obesity and diabetes: what most worries

When deepening the aspects that most concern specialists, the relationship between obesity and diabetes occupies a prominent role, since they are two of the most prevalent diseases worldwide, and it is expected to be increasingly.

"This increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes and obesity between the population and its repercussions on the quality and life expectancy of patients, as well as on health expenditure, have placed them within health priorities," said theCoordinator of the Course and Continuous Training Member of the Board of Directors of the SEEN, Carmen Fajardo.

Therefore, as López has apostilled, diabetes research is to find new therapeutic alternatives such as those that have appeared in recent years that, in their opinion, "facilitate" the individualization of therapeutic management.To this is added, according to this expert, the bases of dietary recommendations and physical activity that involve an advance in the treatment of obesity.

"Thanks to the therapeutic improvements derived from research and the involvement of all professionals, the specialty of endocrinology and nutrition is the subject of a constant update. A course like this is important support for doctors of a complex specialty, which will deal with thesePathologies and may attend to their patients with a multidisciplinary approach, comprehensive care and considering the latest advances of science, "Lilly Diabetes medical director in Spain, Jesús Reviriego, has settled.