Type 1 diabetes is the most usual form of metabolic disorder that occurs in children and adolescents.It is a pathology that appears abruptly and cannot be prevented.Current therapy is frequent and insulin life infusion, a fundamental hormone for blood sugar control.

The endocrinologist, Daniella Wildman, indicated that the condition can occur at any age, but it is after nine months of birth when confirmed or catalogs as type 1 diabetes.Initially by suspicions of the pediatrician, which refers to an endocrinologist for confirmation and treatment.

This pathology occurs when the immune system, (which defends against viruses and bacteria) seeks and destroys the cells of the insulin -producing pancreas.“The interaction of environmental factors with a series of genetic variants, results in the alteration of the immune system that causes the condition.For this reason it is, so far, a condition that is not preventable or curable, ”said the president of the Zulia chapter of the Endocrinology Society of Venezuela.

three therapeutic keys

Currently, the way of treating type 1 diabetes is to administer insulin to a child through subcutaneous injections, under a scheme that is repeated several times a day.This measure is accompanied with a balanced diet and frequent exercise to maintain optimal metabolic control and move away the deterioration of tissues, arteries and organs.

Doctors seek to emulate the fluctuating presence of the hormone in the body.The pancreas produces high levels of insulin when it is eaten, and emits a low amount between meals.Thanks to the advance of medical science, synthetic hormones have occurred with better characteristics that help recreate that natural pattern.The newest are called insulin analogs.

“Insulin analogues are the most suitable for the treatment of diabetes, because their action is the most similar to endogenous liberation of insulin and it has been proven that patients improve in their metabolic control, decreasing long -term complications”Said the specialist.

Necessary puncture

Insulin administration in children can be a challenge for parents.In that sense, Dr. Wildman advises to explain to the little ones the causes and the importance of fulfilling the treatment.You can get help from the psychologist and the support of your whole family is very important.It is suggested to use friendly infusion devices that cause less pain and traumas.

The condition of a child with type 1 diabetes must be informed to people around them or under their care, to act in case of an emergency.Hypoglycemia is a complication that can lead to loss of knowledge and even seizures."That is why teachers should pay attention when the child refers to feel bad and contact their parents."

Diabetes in a child is challenging for him and for his surroundings.Following the indications of the specialist, which includes insulin injection, a balanced diet and frequent physical activity, is the basis to achieve healthy growth and without limitations compared to children without the condition.