The Alcobendas City Council teaches a course on diabetes mellitus and hypertension on February 12 and 15.

The objective is to clarify concepts that allow serious cardiac and cerebrovascular ailments and, in case of suffering them, learn guidelines that prevent the appearance of complications.

NP Ayto Alcoomás of 20 percent of adults who are between 40 and 65 years old and almost half of those over 65 suffer from arterial hypertension, a very common disease worldwide.But this pathology also affects between 40 and 60 percent of patients with diabetes mellitus, which increases cardiovascular risk.

To learn more about details, the City Council of Alcobendas will teach a course on diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension to clarify concepts and teach to prevent them and, in case of suffering these diseases, show various guidelines that allow avoiding the appearance of complications.The course will be taught on February 12 and 15, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., at the Alcobendas Art Center (C/. Mariano Sebastián Izuel, 9).

Arterial hypertension accelerates and worsens the damage that diabetes mellitus produces on arteries, causing in people with both diseases a greater risk of cardiovascular accidents (myocardial infarction, chest angina), renal insufficiency, strokes (stroke), vascular diseaseperipheral, etc.It is important to clarify that the consequences of both diabetes mellitus and hypertension can be avoided or at least attenuated through good control of both.

Those interested can register for free by calling 91 663 70 01, extension 4016, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.The places are limited.