Smokers have a much greater risk than non -smokers for any reason.A risk that also doubles in case of diabetes.

Smoking, there is no doubt, is very harmful to health.Or as the warnings collected in the cigarette boxes, smoking kills.

In fact, smoking is, as they have shown countless studies, the first risk factor to suffer premature death.A risk that is even greater in those people who, as a consequence of a chronic disease, have already reduced their health.

This is the case, among other pathologies, HIV infection, in which smoking shortens life expectancy rather than virus itself.And also, of diabetes.

Not surprisingly, a study carried out by researchers from the University of Colorado in Denver (USA) shows that the risk of death for any reason in the smoking population, already very high, even duplicates inThe case of diabetes.

As explained by Kavita Garg, director of this research that will be presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the North American Society of Radiology (RSNA) that will be held next weekend in Chicago (USA), «In our work we have found aStatistically significant association between diabetes and mortality for any reason, deaths from tumors not located in the lung and lung cancer deaths among the female population ».

Fatal combination

The study was intended to evaluate the possible impact of tobacco on mortality due to any cause, lung cancer or any other type of cancer disease in the population with diabetes.And for this, the authors analyzed the medical records of 53,454 adults, 5,137 of the same diagnosis of diabetes, who had participated in the National Chribado Study of the lung of the United States (NLST), work done to compare the effectiveness of the computed tomographyof low dose and thorax radiography in the early detection of lung cancer in the smoking population and former smoker.

During the study monitoring period there were a total of 3,963 deaths –680 among the participants with diabetes -, of which 1,021 were caused by lung cancer and 826 by tumors located in other organs.

Diabetes doubles the risk of death for any cause or for a cancer other than the lungs in the smoker Kuadkavita Garg
The results showed that, by itself, diabetes is associated with a risk up to twice greater mortality due to any cause, as well as a tumor not located in the lung, in the smoking population.An increase in risk, in addition, that is independent of, among other factors, age, sex, body mass index (BMI) and the number of cigarettes smoked per year.

As Kavita Garg indicates, «the results show that diabetes doubles the risk of death for any cause or for a different cancer of the lung in the smoking population.We also find that women with diabetes have a greater risk of dying of lung cancer.An effect associated with diabetes that, however, was not observed in the case of men ».

longer duration and quantity

In short, it seems that the smoking habit involves greater damage, if possible, for the diabetic population.A harmful effect, when not fatal, that seemed to ignore the participants in the study.Not surprisingly, the average figure of boxes smoked per year was greater in patients with diabetes than in those who did not suffer from this metabolic disease.

So, and since they were oldparticipants with the disease?Well, the truth is that, as the authors themselves recognize, it is not yet known.

Be that as it may, Kavita Garg concludes, "it is essential that patients take participate in the control of their diabetes and that they undergo a pulmonary screening in the case of being smokers."