Engineers trained at the National University of La Plata developed a new algorithm for the determination of the doses that takes into account the evolution of residual insulin in the patient, a fact that until now was not considered and that promises to improve the quality of life inPeople who have that disease.

This innovative method consists of a computer program for insulin dosing.It was developed entirely by the Leici Researchers team (Institute of Electronics, Signal Control and Processing) belonging to the UNLP Faculty of Engineering and CONICET.Given the importance of discovery, the Platense house of studies has already started the patented process both in our country and in Europe.

dose insulin personally

In the most modern therapies, insulin is administered by subcutaneous injection pumps.These bombs manage insulin in small doses in a practically continuous way, throughout the day.In addition, prior notice to the pump by the patient, it can release significant bowling or quantities of insulin in short periods of time to deal with the increase in glycemia after food intake.The medical professional cargo in the pump a reduced set of patient data obtained from their clinical evaluation so that then, by internal calculations, the pump determines the appropriate insulin dose at each moment of time.

The new method recently developed by the Platense team led by engineers Fabricio Garelli and Hernán de BattistCurrent bombs when several insulin bowls occur within a few hours.In this way, this innovation reduces the events of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia caused by incorrect doses of insulin.

De Battista explained that “the application of this technology has been extended to the automatic glycemia control that incorporates, in addition to the pump, a continuous glucose monitor whose reading is continuously communicated to the pump to, by means of an algorithm, automatically correct the injectionof insulin ”.This automatic device, known as artificial pancreas, is in the investigation phase so it is not yet available in the market.