The Working Group SEPA-SED, of “Diabetes and Periodontal Disease”, formed by experts from the Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osteointegration (SEPA) and the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED), has published a work guide for dental hygienists thatIt establishes improvement guidelines in the treatment of periodontitis and diabetes.

This document has the scientific support of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (Semergen) and the sponsorship of the Sunstar company.

"Take care of your gums, control your diabetes: Information for the Dental Hygienist" is presented as a rapid consultation guide in which the key points that dental hygienists must take into account in the treatment of diabetic people are collected.

How to offer information to patients about periodic surveillance of oral health that people with type 1 and 2 diabetes have to carry out or the need to apply dental treatments, especially if they have periodontitis, are some of the aspects collected inThis guide.

The guide for dental hygienists

The guide highlights the importance of establishing health education strategies among people suffering from diabetes, because from their involvement in treatment and self -care a better quality of life will be derived.

In this sense, "take care of your gums, control your diabetes: information for the dental hygienist" shows dental consultation as a detector space of patients with non -diagnosed diabetes and therefore of the implementation of an action protocol according to dental treatmentthat is practiced.
Because of diabetes, a person has up to 3 times more possibilities of having periodontitis.Periodontitis, in turn, makes blood glucose controls more difficult, being able to cause complications in other systems such as cardiological or respiratory.

This document is part of the commitments acquired by the SEPA-SED working group, within the Alliance for Health, an initiative of the Periodontics and Osteointegration Society (SEPA) in collaboration with the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED) and theSpanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) whose main objective is to enhance the prevention and early detection of periodontal diseases and its treatment, with the aim of avoiding more serious consequences on general health.