In the fifties, early childhood diseases, diarrhea and pneumonia were the main causes of death in the country.In the nineties the change was radical: heart disease and conditions such as diabetes occupied the first places and have remained in that place.

Worldwide, concern about the high prevalence indices of these diseases are alarming for the millions of people who suffer from them, who die from them and because the future panorama is not encouraging.

Recently, Mexican authorities, within the framework of World Diabetes Day, made an epidemiological emergency declaration by diabetes;This is the first time it is done for a non -infectious condition, underlining the urgency of taking actions to prevent this condition and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Attentive to this need, the public opinion center of the Technological University of Mexico (UNITEC), in collaboration with the Mexican Federation of Diabetes, A.C.He conducted a survey of 474 people at the national level to know his opinion on the habits that are had to lead a healthy life, with an approach to the prevention of diabetes.

One of the most interesting contributions of the survey is to identify that these daily practices that are carried out without taking into account the link between them have consequences in our state of health and there is little willingness to take preventive actions around conditions such as diabetes,overweight or obesity.

Assessing our state of health covers beyond not being sick, it is a reflection of different actions, including our food, the physical activity we do, the time we rest, even our mood.

The survey reports that 60% of Mexicans consider that their health is good and 70% feel satisfied with that health condition because they consider that their diet is healthy, because they practice exercise, do physical activity or simply because they do not have a discomfort.

Although respondents say they are worried about their diet (83%) in the daily basis the percentage is reduced, since only 62% know the eating good dish and 65% consider that they have a balanced diet.How balanced is food in the practice of respondents?

Starting with breakfast, considered the most important food of the day, only half of the participants have breakfast seven days a week before starting their daily activities.13% state not to eat vegetables and tacos, chilaquiles and tamales are among the favorite foods of Mexicans.

The survey reveals that almost half of the interviewees do not exercise because it does not have time (41%) or because it gives laziness (16%) or simply because it does not like to perform any physical activity, there are even those who declare that it does not do it becauseIt produces tiredness.This is interesting if it is considered, on the one hand that, 80% tires when stairs rises and 59% believe that their weight affects their health.Feeling fatigued, without a doubt, is not pleasant and their disassembly sensation to people to practice a sport or do some physical activity.

Also, 14% of the survey participants said they have diabetes (diagnosed by a doctor).Despite recognizing that it is a serious condition, one third takes its treatment only when it feels bad and 68% does not check its glucose levels as they should;32% of those who never measure their glucose argue that they do not need it, they even do not know how to do it.

The ignorance of diabetes, its symptoms, care and consequences is, without a doubt, one of the priority aspects on which it must work: transmit information, both for those who live with it and for those who could develop it in theFuture is the great challenge of authorities and institutions so that we can instill in the population that leading a healthy life is possible and that requires being attentive and working in different land;Be aware that food, rest, exercise, maintain a healthy weight, regularly visit the doctor, carrying a treatment in case of requiring it is essential since it will guarantee a better quality of life, both for each of us and the family because theCosts of living with a condition will always be greater.

It is not about satanizing the food we eat, it is about having a balanced diet according to the activities we do, and exercising.This combination, in addition to preventing a worrying condition in terms of health such as overweight and obesity would reduce the main risk factor of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
It is imperative to work on these two lines because the population that is being more affected is young, economically active, and that condition seriously impacts the dynamics of the family, its economy and that of the country, which, at least in the field of health,It has suffered an important decrease for the following year with the budget cut.

Researcher of the Public Opinion Center Laureate Mexico