Sleep disorder can be one of the factors that increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, by altering glucose metabolism and hormones that regulate appetite, researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) revealed.

According to the study conducted by Geriatra Humberto Medina, psychiatrist Andrés Barrera and the head of the Sleep Disorders Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, Ulises Jiménez, Diabetes is a chronic degenerative disease with multiorgan condition.

Among the factors that favor the condition is sleep disorder, which triggers the release of pro -inflammatory substances that, in turn, increase glucose, so that it has been discovered that 40 to 50 percent of patients with apnea from the apnea of ​​the apneaDream has diabetes mellitus.

To this is added the fact that lack of sleep alters the generation of hormones that regulate appetite, such as Grelina and Leptin, which causes an increase in the desire to consume foods rich in calories.

Experts summarized that diabetes mellitus is related to chronic sleep deprivation or a little repairing dream, so that the treatment of these disorders can contribute to controlling diabetes in diagnosed patients.
In fact, after reaching this conclusion, they assured that sleeping can help reduce the risk of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes.

However, they clarified that there are other factors such as depression, which is a mood disease that affects 30 to 65 percent of adults with diabetes.

The study allowed to discover that depression is a factor of development of diabetes mellitus and vice versa, since who suffers from this chronic evil also suffers from depression.

The symptoms of depression are the loss of interest, daily sadness, the ideas of guilt, increase or loss of appetite, problems in concentration, excessive diurnal drowsiness and insomnia.

Given this, the recommendation is to address these problems to guarantee a better quality of life and reduce the risks and effects of diabetes mellitus.