The Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE) has held a meeting with the Ombudsman, Soledad Becerril, in which he has presented the discrimination suffered by people with diabetes to aspire to different public jobs offered by the different public administrations (National, regional and local).

This is the last step that Fede gives in this regard, since it has been working for years to end this situation, having been 2016 a year of intense work with other agents involved: experts in health law, scientific societies and parliamentary representatives.

The latter meeting has been attended, by Fede, its manager, Mercedes Maderuelo, and his legal advisor, Julio Sánchez - Fierro, who explained during the course of the meeting, that “for the group of people with diabetes, day, by dayFrom today, there are professional activities, such as police forces, firefighters or auxiliary firefighters, which cannot be accessible, because the exclusion cadres that, despite being outdated, remain in force and do not take into account the scientific advancesAnd doctors who make, today, a person with diabetes should not, a priori, to be excluded to develop any of the activities described above. ”

Taking this into account, Fede has requested an analysis in detail and detailed from this reality to the Ombudsman and have their support so that the discrimination suffered by applicants suffering from diabetes in public calls in selective processes of personnel at the service of personnel at the service of the service at the service of the service at the service of the service is eliminatedWhatever the convening public administration.

In addition, Fede has also proposed that diabetes cease to be a reason for generic exclusion and, as an alternative, each case is valued individually, taking into account the type of diabetes, treatment, degree of glycemic control to define whether a person is suitableOr do not stop that job.

For its part, the Ombudsman has received with interest the proposal of Fede, an initiative that has ensured will assess in order to take the appropriate measures in this regard.

On the other hand, it has been considered the possibility that all those with diabetes suffering from any type of labor discrimination can present a complaint, at the individual level, before this institution so that they are also taken into account.