Technological advances should serve as support to make advances in the field of medicine.Companies are aware of this and some time ago we know several initiatives in this regard.

In the case of diabetes, it even seems that there is a special emphasis, and if we recently knew that Google works to fight diabetes, it is now the firm Nikon who has joined the cause.

Nikon has joined the Verily company, a scientific division related to Google, so its priority efforts will also be dedicated to the field of diabetic retinopathy.

Prevention is the key

As indicated in Engadget, the efforts of the new collaboration will be dedicated to developing a method of detecting the problem in its earliest stages.And it is that in the issue of diabetes, an early diagnosis can save a lot of work to patients.

Nikon Diabetes

The detection of diabetic retinopathy in its earliest stages could enable doctors to prevent a patient from losing a lot of vision, and could even help them avoid blindness before it occurs.Hence the importance of bringing this research and this idea.

Union of forces

Although they have not transcended too many details around the terms of the agreement, it seems logical that Nikon will provide technology related to precision lenses, or at least in the optical aspect of the matter.The importance of the brand not only lies in the possible technologies that it has within its reach, but also enjoy a strong presence in the market and good relations with specialists in the care of the view.

Verily's efforts will be dedicated to software development and machine learning.The idea of ​​this company is to create software or system that learns to detect and discern the symptoms of the disease that concerns us.

Ocular Medicine

Verily has dedicated the last months to be erected as a Google independent company.The firm expects to focus on the medical sector, both with this project focused on diabetes and with other ideas in which it works, for example a robot dedicated to the world of surgery.