Every Wednesday he arrives at the San Juan de Dios hospital, in front of the fifth Normal, to dedicate a full day to the unit that has helped more than 40 years.Manuel García de los Ríos is one the co -founders of the Diabetes Unit of this enclosure and since Thursday, it is the new National Medicine Prize.

The 87 -year -old diabetologist and internist remains active dedicated to the teaching and care of patients affected with this evil, the same one suffered ten years ago.Twice a week he attends in his private consultation and as of 2011 he is Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Medicine of the U. of Chile, an enclosure in which he made his specialty.He has more than 150 publications in Chilean and foreign magazines and has edited three books.

“When they told me about the award I had several emotions.Surprise because I did not expect it.There are many people with such merit, in addition, I had my own candidate my own.I didn't think to be chosen, it honors me.I have worked more than 60 years in medicine and I was never among my goals to receive an award like this.I receive it with a very great humility and joy because we always have a small hidden ego, ”he explains just a couple of hours after being awarded.

With the years of experience, the award -winning refers to the changes that medicine has had.“Since I left undergraduate everything has changed.Especially the demands of the patients.Today they have real demands to which not only medicine has to give them answers, but also the country's authorities, ”says García de los Ríos.

It also mentions the "impressive" technological development which is what allows today "we have a much longer life expectancy than when I started this path."

The award, which is given every two years, consists of a diploma and reminder medal, in addition to an amount of money contributed by the medical community.