Diabetes, one of the most common disorders, can be of two types, type 1 and type 2 diabetes (the most common among adults).The feeling of fatigue and continuous thirst are two of its most frequent symptoms, although it must be remembered that diabetes, in its initial phase, can be asymptomatic, which can complicate its diagnosis.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by high levels of blood glucose.The cause lies in a problem with insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas that allows the body to use glucose to obtain energy.When insulin production is not adequate, blood levels will increase above normal values, causing hyperglycemia and the appearance of diabetes mellitus.

blood glucose values ​​

Type 2 diabetes is the most common way, since it affects approximately 90% of patients.Specifically, diabetes of this type occurs when the body is not able to produce a sufficient amount of insulin to attend the functions of the organism or when the so -called insulin resistance occurs.In these cases, there is an increase in blood glucose concentration (hyperglycemia).

In general, in a person with a healthy lifestyle and following an adequate diet, glucose levels during the day will be between 60 and 130 mg / dl.On an empty stomach, the values ​​can range from 70 to 110 mg / dl.When these fasting levels range from 110 to 125 mg / dl it is convenient to consult the doctor.We can expressly speak of diabetes when the values ​​are equal to or greater than 126 mg / dl.


The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are not as obvious as in type 1 diabetes, which can make the diagnosis be delayed or that it is not granted sufficiently important to risk factors, such as overweight.However, among the symptoms we must highlight the need to urinate during the night, constant thirst, sudden loss of weight, sensation of extreme tiredness, blurred vision and very slow healing of the wounds.


Type 2 diabetes complications can affect the eyes, the renal system, cardiovascular and nervous system.In the first case, we must remember that people with diabetes have a high risk of certain diseases that affect the eyes, such as cataracts, and associated with this pathology, such as retinopathy, an injury to the blood vessels of the retina, orglaucoma, which consists of a high fluid pressure inside the eyes.

Glaucoma can also lead to loss of vision.As for the cardiovascular system, it is important to remember that diabetes can damage blood vessels, causing hypertension and high cholesterol levels.Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Hyperglycemia can also affect the nervous system, giving rise to neuropathies (brain cell damage, or causing renal failure problems by damaging the blood vessels of the kidneys.


People with diabetes must follow a balanced diet that helps keep blood sugar levels controlled.Among other tips, we must include fiber -rich foods in the diet, in particular soluble fiber to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and cholesterol.We must pay attention to the intake of simple sugars and we must not overlook the contribution of vitamins and minerals.

What to eat

Some foods are not allowed, such as white sugar, cane sugar or fructose.It is also advisable to avoid honey, jams, sweets (present in cakes, cookies, desserts or sweets).It is important not to take fruit syrup or dressing with sugar, as well as fatty foods such as butter ormargarine.It is also necessary to avoid sugary drinks and fruit juices with added sugar.Limit legumes, since they contain carbohydrates that can raise blood glucose levels.

You can eat raw or cooked vegetables, fresh or frozen fish (which should be consumed at least twice a week).White meat, low fat in fat, milk and skimmed yogurt is allowed.It is important to drink every day at least 1.5 liters of water.We must not exclude foods such as bread and pasta, although attention must be paid to your intake.


Adequate diet is the first rule to follow in case of diabetes.Depending on the patient, the doctor will determine whether it is necessary to accompany the diet with a drug therapy that can reduce blood sugar (oral hypoglycemic).It is also important to control and monitor blood glucose levels once or twice a day, since this type of diabetes is characterized by greater stability of values.