The patient defender will ask the coroner for the tests practiced, as well as the report of the Emergency Services.

A "hypoglycemic shock" was what, according to the coroner, ended the life of Amash Fernández on the afternoon of December 31.

The 24 -year -old had a morbid obesity, a picture that was aggravated by other health disorders, including diabetes.

Amaesh, who weighed 125 kilos, had started from the patient's defender a claim process to the health service of the Principality (SESPA) after staying five years waiting for a stomach reduction operation in the HUCA.

An intervention that never arrived.His death, on December 31 at her home as Pravia while the young woman slept, caused a deep social and political shock in the region and triggered criticism for "runaway" waiting lists of the health service.The family expected impatient for the autopsy results, whose provisional results met yesterday.As reported by the patient's defender, the coroner has advanced that Amaesh "died of a hypoglycemic shock derived from his diabetes."

The low blood sugar level, the so -called hypoglycemic shock, is a condition that occurs when blood sugar (glucose) decreases and is too low.

From the patient's defender, who raised the complaint of Amaesh before the Superior Prosecutor's Office of Asturias and that generated the opening of proceedings, they ensure that the preliminary report "does not convince us."In fact, they have requested to know the evidence that the coroner practiced to the deceased to determine that the death occurred as a result of a hypoglycemic shock.They will also ask for the report prepared by the medical emergency services that attended Amaesh the afternoon in which the death occurred.

«He died on the waiting list»

What is clear, according to the president of the patient defender's association, is that the young Praviana «died on the waiting list.

If they had operated it, instead of having it waiting for five years, maybe Amaesh would be among us.Carmen Flores referred to this matter during the press conference held yesterday in Madrid to present the annual report on health negligence in Spain and the summary of twenty years of existence of the entity."The case of Latesh is a clear sample of how bad our health works."

Flores declared, on the other hand, that «American studies have found a relationship between morbid obesity and hypoglycemia.Apparently, bariatric surgery operations reduce hypoglycemia episodes by up to 80%.The family has not wanted to pronounce on the results and has asked for discretion and respect for the young woman's memory.