The study, published in PLOS One, would demonstrate that the third -hand smoke (HTC) would cause insulin resistance in laboratory mice.Children and the elderly are especially vulnerable to HTC and their impact on health, because children crawl, touch or introduce objects exposed to HTC in the mouth, which have a higher risk of exposure to HTC.Older people also run a higher risk because organs are more vulnerable to the disease the more aging.

The HTC would consist of tobacco toxins that remain on the surfaces or dust after smoking.This would include toxins that become more toxic over time and that are re-emitted in the air or react with other chemical compounds to produce new pollutants, some of which are carcinogens.Cell oxidative stress would increase in mice exposed to THC, damaging proteins, fats and DNA and favoring hyperglycemia (excess blood in blood torrent) as well as insulinemia (presence of blood insulin).

Type 2 diabetes

Sweaty diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is an alteration of metabolism characterized by the increase in blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), caused by a defect (complete or not) of the secretion or action of a hormone: insulin.Insulin occurs in special formations found in the pancreas: Langerhans islets.

Blood sugar levels remain, in non -diabetic people, within very narrow normal limits, very rarely exceeding 130 mgr.For DL, even when very rich foods have been taken in sugar.

This stability of blood glucose is due to the existence of an extraordinarily fine and sensitive regulatory mechanism.