José Ordiñana Sanchis, a resident internal doctor of the Xàtiva-Ontinyent Health Department in the specialty of Family and Community Medicine, is the only Valencian medical professional awarded in the initiative called "Combat Diabetes", where more than 1,400 careful cares have participatedPrimary from all over Spain.Ordiñana is currently developing in the health center of the riverside town of Villanueva de Castellón.

«Combat diabetes» is a program of knowledge with online development in which the training of professionals in the field of diabetes is valued, in an area of ​​creative and collaborative competitiveness that aims to improve the results in the clinical environment andsocial of patients.

Selection process

The training program invites us to answer questions about diabetes and, according to the score that is obtained, are positioned in the general classification and, in a face -to -face final they demonstrate their experience and training, with structured content in different thematic blocks ofImpact of diabetes, prevention, pharmacological and non -pharmacological treatment and, clinical consensus.

The doctors with the eight best results have been selected to go to the headquarters of the Novartis company in Basel (Switzerland) during a training stay that will last for three days.