Dr. Alfonso López Alba, Ana Suárez Guerra and David González Pando will give some identification and prevention tips.

'Diabetes and you, a possible coexistence'.With this hopeful title the next cycle of the Culture Classroom of Avilés, coordinated by Armando Arias and sponsored by Toscaf CafesAt 20 hours.This new round of conferences aims to raise awareness about a disease that is currently estimated to suffer more than five million people only in Spain.

One of the most worrying aspects of this pandemic is ignorance, both in terms of care and in possession of risk factors.Among all cases identified in the country, about two million patients have not yet been diagnosed, which is known as 'hidden diabetes'.Precisely the first talk, which will be held next Monday 6, will deepen a little more on this topic.

Alfonso López Alba, an endocrinologist in Nutrition, will be the rapporteur of 'Diabetes: the cost of ignorance'.The doctor warns of the need to change the traditional paradigm to go to see diabetes as "the most important human pathology next to cancer."Thus, López Alba will make an analysis related to the costs of costs and effectiveness of the prevention and treatment measures with the objective of proposing a model that optimizes the allocation of resources to deal with this pathology.

A week later, the Director of Care and Nursing Management of the Health Area III, Ana Suárez Guerra, will continue the cycle with 'My Diabetes: Self -care'.The nurse will address the 'shock' that it is for patients when the diagnosis and the steps to follow after this initial bewilderment are communicated.Suarez identifies a triple axis that can be key when determining the development without complications of the disease in those affected: health education, attitude and support of the environment.

Finally, on February 20 it will be the turn of David González Pando, a doctor in Psychology, who will collect the ideas of the previous talk to deepen even more in the psychological aspect of the disease with his conference 'Behavior, Health and Diabetes'.Among the aspects to be taken into account for the preventive or therapeutic approach of diabetes are motivation, self -control, self -esteem, lifestyle or family support, among others.González Pando will stop examining possible risk factors such as pregnancy or depression and, in turn, will offer relevant scientific recommendations.