Go up stairs, instead of using the elevator or mechanical option, helps delay the appearance of diabetes.

The prevalence of diabetes in Spain is 13 percent and although the figure is high, approximately half of this percentage does not know what the disease has

There are several risk factors that can increase the chances of having diabetes, as Anna Novials, elected president of the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED), highlights, among which the overweight and obesity, sedentary lifestyle, have a family history withDiabetes, as well as other metabolic alterations such as high cholesterol or hypertension.In addition, Novials indicates that women who have had gestational diabetes in their youth have a more risk of developing diabetes in the future, although it insists that risk does not mean cause-effect.

"If these factors are taken into account, perhaps the appearance of the disease can be prevented or extendVery sedentary, it does not move and does not go, this person draws the profile of possible diabetic. ”

the time to go to the doctor

So, is it necessary to go to the doctor when I have a bit of overweight or I am little?The president of the thirst emphasizes whether a person feels identified with several of these factors must go to the consultation: simply going to the doctor to make a routine analysis they can be diagnosed since, often that diabetes is diagnosed when they appearOther problems associated with the disease

Another important alert signal is prediabetes."It is a previous state in which we already started detecting changes in the analysis, we have high sugar but does not reach the diabetes level," explains Novials."In these cases we are paying close attention to doctors because they are moments when you can influence preventive measures, such as a healthy diet and try to make the person so sedentary."

Of these preventive measures, the expert insists on:

Following a Mediterranean diet: the reasons are that new benefits are found every day, it helps prevent cardiovascular problems and is also good for prediabetes and diabetes

Goodbye to sedentary lifestyle: “The diet is important, but also physical activity because sedentary lifestyle is as responsible as the diet of all these metabolic diseases.It has been demonstrated in studies with people with prediabetes that physical exercise delays the appearance of diabetes, ”recommends Novials.

The expert insists that we have to find the routine and the simplest option to exercise.In fact, she recommends walking 10,000 steps per day (5km).“Walking 5 km a day is equivalent to taking a pill against diabetes.One way to monitor the 10,000 steps, which also stimulates a lot, is to download an app that counts them, has objectives and congratulates you when you achieve them.It is a small strategy to maintain motivation, ”he adds.

Another economic and easy activity that favors training and the form of respiratory change is to put aside mechanical stairs and elevator and go up and down without help.