The doctor in Biotechnology and Researcher at the Doctor Peset University Hospital and the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research (Fisabio), Susana Rovira, has been awarded the García Blanco Medal, awarded by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry of the Universityof València and the Prince Felipe Research Center (CIPF).

The thirtieth edition of this award has valued the investigation of Dr. Rovira on type 2 diabetes (which represents 90 % of world diabetes cases), specifically, on the cellular processes that interfere with the disease, with the objectiveof understanding its pathophysiology and investigating the search for new treatments.

The work of Susana Rovira aims to help avoid mortality linked to the disease.For example, people with diabetes have the same risk of suffering a heart attack as those who have in their background with cardiovascular disease.For this reason, Dr. Rovira explains that "it is crucial to study the processes that favor the development of vascular complications associated with diabetes to prevent the appearance of renal or eye problems, as well as cardiovascular or cerebrovascular accidents."

Susana Rovira belongs to the translational research team led by doctors Antonio Hernández Mijares, Milagros Rocha and Víctor Manuel Víctor who studies the oxidative stress processes and mitochondrial dysfunction, among others, and how these mechanisms affect the interaction between leukocytes and tissuethat covers the interior of the blood vessels (vascular endothelium), which can favor the appearance of vascular complications.This problem is accentuated in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. In addition, the Endocrinology and Nutrition Research Group also studies other important metabolic diseases such as obesity and malnutrition.

The researcher explains that the García Blanco Medal not only recognizes her merit, but also values ​​the help and effort of her colleagues.Thus, Rovira expresses his gratitude "to the basic research team, to the patients of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Service of the Doctor Peset University Hospital, the Clinical Team and the Fisabio Foundation."The doctor says that without all of them he could not have conducted this research or get to obtain this important recognition.

«I feel very proud to receive this award that recognizes the effort and dedication of these years.It is rewarding that the scientific trajectory of young researchers who dedicate their time to biomedical research, a very competitive field and to which few resources are allocated, ”says the biologist.