The World Health Organization (WHO) in its World Diabetes Report, presented last week, revealed that people with diabetes have gone from 4.7% to 8.5% in the adult population from 1980 to 2014.

On the other hand, he details that 1.5 million deaths occurred in 2012 and that in Nicaragua the deaths caused between people of 30 years or more are 700, in the case of men, and 910 in regard to women.However, the document does not specify the date of the death registration.

In the profile of diabetes in Nicaragua it is reflected that of every 100 deaths, 6 are attributable to this condition, which makes it the sixth cause behind cardiovascular diseases, trauma, communicable conditions and nutritional lack and cancer in general.

Diabetologist Karmen Jiménez said that the incidence of this condition in the country is very high and acknowledged that it is related to the eating habits that we have as a country.

"There is a lot of fat, sugars and carbohydrates, this added to the genetic origin that is created this trend and predisposition to develop the disease," he warns.

It should be noted that a study conducted in 2010 by the Central American Diabetes Initiative (CAMDI) estimates that 12% of the Nicaraguan population is diabetic.

WHO in its report reveals that among women there is greater predisposition and risk, since these are more exposed to factors such as overweight and obesity (51.3% and 21.1%, respectively) than men (40.7% and 9.7%).

The report highlights that 250 men of 70 or more years of age have died due to this cause, while in terms of women the figure amounts to 450 cases.

In addition, Jiménez explains, the genre also affects, because women have a heavier load on themselves because they carry out the things of the home and children.Another weakness is that metabolism is slower than that of men."They have a more accelerated metabolism for the hormones that we do not have, because they decrease with age," he concluded.