In the year of the fight against diabetes, Salvador Vega Rincón, a specialist in the subject, said it is urgentthe health of the sick.

“We are talking about expired medication, not by expedition, but to treat the disease, there are already new and approved, individualism must be applied in each patient and not only increase and increase the insulin dose if the state of health is complicated, as they doIn public hospital, ”said the interviewee.

He avizo that as part of his work carried out in the health jurisdiction 03 headedHealth centers.

He explained that it is like a law that updates another older and that has a high impact for diabetic because it guarantees access to the treatment, information and control of the disease, which reduces the risk of heart disease, blindness or infections that end in amputation, among other complications that have increased so much in the carboniferous region.

Vega Rincón emphasized that the treatment of a diabetic to be optimal must be dynamic and not stay the same for five years, “it must be evaluated every three months and verify that glucose goals are achieved, the ideal way to adapt itIt is through a blood test that shows the sugar level of the last three months, the medicine has, it is a matter of educating the doctors and the same patient, ”he concluded.