David González Pando, Doctor of Psychology The expert teaches this afternoon at 8:00 p.m. at the University Services Center the last paper of the Voice Culture Classroom on Diabetes

The Avilés' Voice Culture Classroom, coordinated by Armando Arias and sponsored by Cofés Toscaf, closes today at 20 hours at the University Services Center, the cycle of conferences dedicated to diabetes and does so by analyzing the psychological aspects involvedIn the disease.The person in charge of explaining this relationship will be David González Pando, a doctor in Psychology from the University of Oviedo.

How does the behavior of diabetes patients influence the pathology itself?

It is very important.Between the diagnosis and the therapeutic result is the behavior of the patient.The outcome will depend largely on the decisions and the attitude shown by the patient, so it is basic to attend to psychological factors as part, not only of the disease, but also on their prevention.

What are those determining factors?

Life habits, beliefs, motivation, stress or self -control, among others.

Could the disease be prevented from paying attention to these factors?

Type 2 diabetes is increasing alarmingly and could be avoided or, at least, make it later if correct feeding habits are followed and sports is done.Keep in mind that diabetes will be the first public health problem in 2030 and, if we do not stop it before, health spending and loss of productivity will be a real problem.But everything is derived from the poor health management of the disease.

Why is bad management being done?

It is committed to diagnosis and treatment without analyzing the rest of the factors that influence the disease and without paying attention to its prevention, which is infraade developed in our health system.That psychological factors are taken care of the good results in the treatment.70% of diabetics do not meet the recommendations of their doctors and that must be analyzed and stop it.We must devote more funds to prevention, to psychological care, because it is the one that will make bad habits modify, and not the treatments themselves.

What psychological problems are linked to diabetes?

Depression or stress.It is the fish that bites the tail.They are people who do not control their emotions or motivation who do not usually follow the rules for their mood.Therefore, they will not follow the treatment for their diabetes.You have to treat the whole problem.It is no use to diet if you know that they will not follow it because of their level of anxiety or depression.There are two examples of high prevalence in cases of diabetes and negatively influence the disease, not only because of the mood but because they increase the amount of blood glucose in our body.

What measures should be taken to end this problem?

The first thing is to modify the beliefs of the sick.You have to think that health must be taken care of with healthy habits, that is, less dish and more shoe.We are a species that is not designed to be sedentary but our life habits are aimed at them.You have to start from the base, because it cannot be that there are so many obese children and that they do not play sports.They are diabetic potentials when they reach adulthood.Betting on prevention we will save both in health and medications and in cases to treat.