Pablo Ráez fought until the end to get his message to arrive, once again, to all of us.

With its "always strong" slogans and "Dona Médula", it became the voice that tried to raise awareness of the important thing that is to donate bone marrow.There were two years of titanic struggle against leukemia in which he gave an example of strength, but also of humanity: donations in Malaga increased by 1,300% thanks to their publications.

The 20 -year -old Marbellí was on Saturday at his home, a victim of the disease that had had the last months entering and leaving the hospital.

The news of his death moved all of Spain, who showed his condolences in the same networks in which the young man had conquered his hearts, with messages of support for his family and memory for Paul.

The burial, held on Sunday afternoon in the Malaga town of Ojén collected a massive assistance to fire and honor Paul.


The heroes never die #pabloraez