Eon Diabetes has launched the first television websites on diabetes with the aim that health professionals involved in the care of these patients improve their communication skills.
In addition, it offers a series of modules where different micro and macro complications are worked that affect patients with diabetes and have a great impact on their quality of life.

This project is titled '24 hours' and is formed by 10 chapters that recreate the day -to -day professionals of a health center.The contents and scripts are from Teresa Baró.Each ability works with a three -step methodology, observation of skill by viewing a chapter, analysis of skill by listening to an audio and finally, recessing the ability with the reading of a document.

EON Diabetes was born from the collaboration between Esteve and the foundation of the Diabetes Study Groups NetInteraction of all professionals involved in the approach of diabetes, so that disease complications can be prevented or more early detecting, continuing and, therefore, improving the quality of life of patients.

Doctors, patients, nurses and pharmacists have participated and a scientific committee composed of Dr. Josep Franch, of the Raval Sud Primary team of Barcelona and members of the Board of Trustees of the Redgdps Foundation, Dr. Jorge Navarro of the University Clinical Hospital of Valencia and Memberof the SemfyC diabetes group;Dr. Josep Mssons, of the Primary Care team of Barcelona and member of the Communication and Health Group of the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine (CAMFYC) and the SEMFYC;and Dr. Sara Artola, from the José Marvá Health Center in Madrid and a member of the Redgdps Foundation and the Spanish Diabetes Society (SED).

"This initiative not only helps to make diabetes visible from a different point of view and betting on the new communication tools, in this case, a website; but it can also be a very positive instrument in order to improve communication andInteraction between all the actors involved in the treatment of this pathology, "said Fede president Andoni Lorenzo.

EON Diabetes also offers modules that specifically work the main complications of patients with diabetes.Although the diagnosis of this disease focuses on glycemic values, its main impact lies in the appearance of micro and macro vascular complications, favored by glycemic mismatches and that may have very serious consequences if they are not detected and controlled properly.

"The achievement of subrogated objectives such as the control of risk factors is important, but the patient's point of view is fundamental because the ultimate goal of any intervention is to ensure that people with diabetes have the best possible quality of life.Therefore, they have an essential role in this program.Member of the Board of Trustees of the Redgdps Foundation, Josep Franch.

Each module will contextualize the complication, explain the importance of preventing it and treating it, will highlight the most relevant data, will improve communication skills with the patient and put into practice the knowledge acquired.Each consists of a conversation with a patient who has the complication (on video), an infographicIllustrative, tips on how to communicate with a patient with that complication, practical exercises and downloadable materials.

Those dedicated to diabetic retinopathy, heart failure and diabetic nephropathy and, soon, it is planned to add others centered on ischemic heart disease, neuropathy and diabetic foot, peripheral arteropathy and stroke and stroke.All of them will be complemented with theoretical and face -to -face training in workshops.