"If medical specialties collaborate, overall welfare and health are improved," says Juan Blanco.

Preside over the last four years of the European Federation of Periodontics, which integrates entities from 29 countries, including Israel and Türkiye, supposed to Juan Blanco «work and travel a lot.It was a period of growth and progress was made in greater professionalization.A greater recognition of the general population was also achieved, to which better internal and external communication contributed, ”explains this professor of the USC deontoloxy.

From his experience in this continental entity, "the consensus meetings we have every year.In those sessions there are answers to hot issues;Scientific literature is reviewed and documents are elaborated, which are like clinical guides for specialists ».Among those meetings, two of the last year stand out: «One in 2016, with the European organization on caries, to talk about prevention;and the other in February of this year, with the International Federation of Diabetes.These meetings are in the line of our conviction that if medical specialties collaborate, overall welfare and health are improved.We must join forces between dentistry, endocrinology, family doctors and others ».

It is so, he insists, because «today we know that the infections that occur in the mouth not only affect the gum, they can also do it to other parts of the organism.The bleeding of the gum causes bad breath, phlegm, dental mobility, difficulty of chewing or loss of teeth;It has an impact on the patient's quality of life, which ceases to chew well and its nutrition is compromised ».In addition, «bacteria that cause gum problems come into contact with blood circulation and produce harmful effects on other organs.There is evidence of the association with cardiovascular evils, diabetes, or with complications related to pregnancy;and the latter can suppose premature births and other complications ».

Especially diabetes emphasizes «because diabetic patients are also more likely to suffer from gum diseases;And those who have gum problems can have difficult control diabetes and more complications ».

Therefore, according to this specialist, if some common risk factors are well valued, such as age, sex, genetic, smoking, poor diet or sedentary lifestyle, diabetes and mouth health are improved «and also other chronic noncommunicable diseases.Gums can cause mild problems, such as gingivitis;and others more serious, such as severe periodontitis.It is important to diagnose mouth early and it is easy to do so.If bleeding in the mouth is detected, you must go to the dentist, the same as a doctor is consulting if bleeding is detected in other parts of the organism;It is equally worrying.Because bleeding in the mouth implies an inflammation produced by bacteria, which should be treated, ”he says.

Regarding prevention, remember that «when I presidated the Spanish period of period of period, we established what we call the two rule: at least twice a year to the dentist must be used, change toothbrush twice every six months, and brush the teethTwice a day.There is nothing cheaper than the toothbrush.Because they say that the dentist is expensive, and it is when there are no teeth and has to put them.That is why it is cheaper to invest in prevention than in dentist treatments;and also complications and even hospital treatments are avoided ».

The specialist.Juan Blanco is Professor of Periodontics and researcher at the Faculty of Dentistry of the USC.

Path.Between 2007 and 2010 he presided over the Spanish Society of Periodontics;And the last 4 years, until yesterday, the FederationEuropean, which integrates 29 countries.