Gravamen to sugary drinks reduced their consumption among the population in six percent in one year, this would prevent 400 thousand people from developing diabetes by 2050, said Ricardo Uauy, a professor at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology at the University of the University ofChili.

If the tax has reduced the consumption of this type, “I am in favor” that it is maintained, he also said president of the Schrimshaw International Nutrition Foundation for developing countries.

The specialists participating in the update course: prevention and treatment of obesity in the course of life, organized by the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), said that the measure was necessary due to the claim of the sector to continue obtaining great economic gains.

This, from "fat" to the population, especially children, this, "it is a bad idea and a bad investment", both for them - which and obese will face health problems - and for the State, which will spendThen to cure the sick of various conditions, especially diabetes.

Therefore, he indicated in a statement, it is necessary to pay attention "in the food we are consuming and not in how to repair health, once the damage has already happened."

Almost 70 percent of adult Mexicans have overweight or obesity and the same goes for one in three children in the country, said Juan Rivera Dommarco, director of the Nutrition and Health Research Center of the National Institute of Public Health.

The consequences of this situation are related to type 2 diabetes mellitus, disorders of the locomotor device - osteoarthritis - cardiovascular diseases - cerebodyopathy and stroke mainly - and various types of cancer.

The specialist said that among the factors that cause obesity, the sedentary lifestyles and the consumption of ultraprocessed foods with high energy density are identified - many calories per gram - and sugary drinks, on which there is sufficient evidence that they cause obesity.

As for the drinks of this type, he cited studies that have shown that the usual consumption of these drinks increases the risk of diabetes by 26 percent, "that is, there is an effect in obesity, but also on diabetes."

Because they are liquid "they do not lead to dietary compensation, that is, they are not recognized by our satiety and appetite mechanisms so they end up being extra calories during the day."

This leads to weight gain, insulin resistance and, therefore, diabetes and problems of inflammation, hypertension, visceral adiposity, metabolic syndrome and risk of cardiovascular disease.Fructuosa produces hyperglycemia and gout.

The big problem is the high consumption in the country, since 75 percent of the total calories that Mexicans eat is provided by basic food groups: grains, legumes and oilseeds, milk and derivatives, food of animal origin, fruitsand vegetables, oils and fats.

The other 25 percent are provided by "discretionary foods", known as junk food, from which 13 percent comes from sugary drinks and alcohol, and the rest of energy dense foods, but poor in nutrients and in general high inUndispensable saturated sugars and fats.