Although the cardiovascular, ophthalmological and renal complications of diabetes are known, still a certain social ignorance of the bone implications that this metabolic disease has already affects more than 5 million people.

"People with diabetes have between 2 and 6 times more risk of fractures induced by the existence of a problem of bone fragility, a high risk that is independent of the type of diabetes suffered (type 1 or type 2)," he arguedThe Endocrinologist and Professor of Medicine at the University of Granada, Manuel Muñoz Torres.

As factors that cause this risk, mainly highlights the deleterous effect itself that hyperglycemia on bone quality has.Along with this, as reported by the expert, the set of macro and microvascular complications and comorbidities that usually leads to diabetes (obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia or kidney problems) also negatively influence bone health.

However, the expert has recognized that, paradoxically, people with diabetes (especially those who have type 2 diabetes) have a bone density greater than the non -diabetic population, so, in Muñoz's opinion, the problem is not derivedof bone deficit, but of its poor quality.

Even some drugs indicated for the treatment of diabetes have negative repercussions on bone."Among them, are glitazons, drugs extensively used in the management of diabetes and that it has been proven that, as an important adverse effect, they cause bone alterations of interest in especially vulnerable populations (elderly or postmenopausal women)," theexpert.

However, he recalled that they are safe and proven effects, but that they must be indicated with some special precaution in groups of people who may be especially sensitive to suffering bone fragility.

Along the same lines, as the head of the Endocrinology Service of the Hospital of Valdecilla (Santander), José Antonio Amado, there are other new oral antidiabetic drugs, recently incorporation into our therapeutic arsenal, which still, due to its shortTrajectory, they cannot prove long -term bone security. "

An added risk that is warned in this area is the derivative of the episodes of hypoglycemia."In people with diabetes, and especially in the elderly, the appearance of a hypoglycemic event can entail in many cases fallen and, therefore, fractures. Given this scenario, we must not happily use insulin, always having to monitor this possibleassociated risk, "Amado has emphasized.

Given these risks, experts gathered at this table have underlined the need to attend especially to bone fragility in people with diabetes."These people need particular measures to prevent the future appearance of bone fractures, being essential that their doctor warns them of this risk and informs them about conventional measures to avoid these alterations. In any case, the first measure of bone fracture preventionIn these people it must undoubtedly be to ensure that they have their diabetes well controlled, avoiding the use of those hypoglycemicas who can raise the risk of bone fragility, "Muñoz has settled.