Surgery has advanced so much in recent years that certain types of obesity and diabetes can be considered finished when the patient leaves the operating room.

In public health, digestive operations to lower great candidities accumulate years of waiting, while the technique to cure certain type 2 diabetes - the adults that depend on insulin - are not yet incorporated into the portfolio.SAS.

This Thursday, at the Private Hospital La Immaculate, several patients intervened by Dr. Carlos Ballesta told their good experience.

In total, they add up to 150 Andalusians free of their diseases thanks to the 'magical' hands of that doctor who passes consultation and operates throughout Spain.

The doctor began his career at the University of Granada, where he used five years to finish the six courses of the Medicine career.

But he did not exercise here, since he moved to Barcelona to obtain the degree of degree in 1974 and there began to shape a curriculum that has made him one of the most recognized specialists in digestive and laparoscopic surgery.

Fina López, 66, was operated by him of obesity and diabetes three months ago.Before the surgery he had fatty liver, urinary incontinence, sleep apnea and high cholesterol.«I have won so much in life that no one can imagine.I am very happy and I encourage everyone ».Like her, Antonio Gallegos, 52, got rid of diabetes."Every time I went to the doctor, I was shaking, I went out with one more pill of something else."One day reading the press realized that diabetes operated.«I regret not having done it before.For me it is like being born again, from that day my life changed ».

The surgery is around 15,000 euros and there are insurers that cover it
Finally, Alberto García, 35, said goodbye to obesity two years ago.«Since childhood I was already chubby and I have suffered all my life.It weighed 130 kilos and thanks to the surgery performed by Dr. Carlos Ballesta, surgery bypass-gastric with a 'y'de roux (biliopancreatic deviation), currently weight 83 kilos and maintain adequate body fat thanks to the sport that practical, weights, muscle, aerobic, etc.For two years I am another person, ”said the young man.

Very attentive listened to the testimonies his doctor, Dr. Ballesta.The specialist, with more than 30 years of experience in general and digestive surgery and pioneer in laparoscopic (minimally invasive), technique that uses to cure type 2 diabetes, performed the first obesity operation by laparoscopic route in Spain 21 years ago and toToday we have more than 3,000 surgeries, which accredits him as a reference in this field by the International Federation of Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Diseases (IFSO).

Before and after

In Spain, all the centers that perform this surgery do it according to the technique that the Granada implemented.It was precisely due to a gastric operation against obesity that the effectiveness against diabetes was confirmed.

In days or weeks the patient ceases to be diabetic, does not need to apply insulin and avoid the diseases produced by diabetes in eyes (retinopathy), heart (angiopathy, infarction), and prevents the pancreas from deteriorating until destroynormal pancreatic.

Carlos Ballesta directs his own laparoscopic center and has venues at the Ruber International Hospital in Madrid, in Barcelona and at the Immaculate Hospital in Granada.The surgery is around 15,000 and there are insurers such as Axa-Winterthur or mutual grouping that cover it.