Aragon supports a protocol to reduce the burden of chronic diseases.The EU Chrodis joint action has identified and disseminated the best practices at European levels in diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, among others, as well as a protocol to implement them.

With the aim of reducing the increasing burden of chronic diseases in health systems, joint chrodis action of the European Union on chronic diseases and healthy aging (J-Chrodis), led by the Carlos III Health Institute and with the participation of73 partners from 26 countries, including the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences;It has contributed to identify and disseminate best practices at European level in the prevention and management of chronicity also developing a protocol of twelve steps for its implementation.

Eight out of ten over 65 in Europe suffer from some type of chronic disease and the EU allocates about 700,000 million euros per year to its treatment.Thus, ailments such as cardiovascular, stroke or diabetes suppose one of the main challenges for the sustainability of health systems.

These good practices are available on the Chrodis platform, Link a website that functions as an advanced search engine and whose novelty is that a network of European experts evaluates each initiative following criteria agreed by scientific methods,in a way that guarantees the quality of the content and its usefulness.

Among the outstanding initiatives is a cardiovascular disease prevention plan in over 40 years in Italy, a practice to promote physical activity in Andalusia or a plan for early detection and treatment of diabetes for disadvantaged groups in Germany.

To implement these successful practices it is recommended to follow a protocol of twelve steps, which is one of the main results of this joint action that concluded on March 31.These steps are to design the practice, empower the Diana population, guarantee adequate investments and resources, adopt a broad but not too complicated approach, interact regularly with the relevant systems, educate and train, respect ethical aspects, have a good governance, guarantee sustainability and the possibility of expansion, take into account equality, evaluate and use the Chrodis platform.