Children with diabetes who exercise between 30 and 120 minutes a day reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

• Diabasket will congregate, on May 20, more than 100 children around basketball practice
• The former player and doctor Juan Antonio Corbalán will participate in the event

Performing physical exercise between 30 and 120 minutes per session helps children with type 1 diabetes reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in the future, one of the main causes of mortality in this type of patients.This is one of the main conclusions that doctors and specialists have reached around the study of diabetes.

Hence the importance of instilling children with diabetes the convenience of playing sports.This is one of the reasons that have promoted the Diabasket initiative, the first sporting event for children with diabetes around basketball as a main axis and will have the support of the Spanish Basketball Federation (FEB) and Universe Women Basketball.

It will take place on May 20 and will be attended by national basketball coaches that will form and inform children about the benefits of practicing this sport.

A recent publication of the British medical magazine The Lancet has shown the benefits that people with type 1 diabetes regularly perform an hour of exercise a day with the aim of improving their quality of life.In fact, in the case of children it is affirmed that, with this habit, the risk of cardiovascular diseases will be reduced, which are one of the main causes of mortality in people with diabetes, since this practice improves in childrenand young cardiorespiratory and endothelial functions, glycosylated hemoglobin and blood lipid profile.

The consensus of The Lancet magazine also emphasizes that the exercise also decreases the total daily insulin needs.In adults, 150 minutes of exercise per day helps reduce blood pressure levels and get a healthier body mass index.

In fact, Diabetic Medicine magazine states that the practice of regular physical exercise between 30 and 120 minutes per session, in children with type 1 diabetes improves the lipid profile, decreases the body mass index and reduces glycosylated hemoglobin by 0.8%,which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in the future.

Diabasket, designed for the little ones

Diabasket seeks to raise awareness among families and children with diabetes of the importance of practicing sports, which, together with healthy eating, will contribute to better control diabetes.The event, which is scheduled for May 20, hopes to congregate more than 100 children, around sports, in this case, related to basketball.The former player and doctor Juan Antonio Corbalán will also participate in the initiative.

However, there are several doubts and fears when exercising with diabetes: hypoglycemia, loss of glycemic control and inappropriate knowledge about the practice of exercise.Precisely, Diabasket will deepen this last aspect, by relevanting the benefits of basketball.

And it is that basketball is a very complete exercise that develops skills such as balance, concentration, self -control, personality, trust and speed of execution, muscle agility and precise reflexes that benefit health so it can be especially recommended for people with diabetes.

The sports day will have, throughout a full day, with various sports activities for children, informative workshops for families and there will be a visit of professional players at the sports facilities of the Francisco de Vitoria University ofMadrid.The day is organized by Clinic Diabre, specialized in diabetes and nutrition, and has the support of Novo Nordisk.

The former international player Juan Antonio Corbalán will be a fundamental part of the event and will hold with the children, exploiting his double basketball and medical player facet.

“I have three important reasons to support this initiative: the first is that I am a normal person who affects everything that can influence the health of the people, second because I have been a basketball player and third, because from my facet asDoctor, I know that diabetes is an important and serious problem and you have to stop it as much as possible, ”said Juan Antonio Corbalán.

Similarly, the former basketball player has highlighted “the importance of raising awareness among society, especially the little ones, through initiatives such as Diabasket, in which health, sports and society are very related.