They organize a health classroom at Nisa Rey Don Jaime hospital in which specialists will expose the relationship between diabetes and obesity.

The talk will be in charge of Miguel Ibáñez and Francisco Javier Maravall

Although the World Health Organization (WHO) considers obesity "as an epidemic", the society of the twentieth century still did not see obesity and obese people as patients.

But not only society, "even within the medical group, is seen with some frivolity and is considered, above all, an aesthetic problem."

However, this thought is changing and in recent years, institutions increasingly serve campaigns to favor good health habits and prevent obesity, not only in adults but also in childhood.

It is the reflection of the experts of the Nisa Rey Don Jaime de Castellón hospital, who invite you to participate in their health classroom on Thursday, May 26, in which the risks of obesity and its relationship with diabetes will be discussed.

The specialists Miguel Ibáñez, Digestive Surgeon, and Francisco Javier Maravall, endocrinologist, will explain the concept of 'diabesity', their consequences for health and what is metabolic surgery as a surgical treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Since 1980, obesity has doubled worldwide and in 2014, 39 percent of people 18 or over, had overweight.13 percent were already obese.

With the aim of informing and disseminating prevention as a basis for a healthy life, the Nisa Hospitals Foundation develops these health classrooms at the Castellón hospital, with the specialist doctors of the Nisa King Don Jaime Hospital himself.It is an activity that is carried out in recent years to provide more service to the Castellonense society and provide useful useful information.The health classroom is free and is open to all types of audiences.

Next Thursday will abound in the causes of diabetes and their relationship with overweight.According to the digestive surgeon Miguel Ibáñez, there is a "clear relationship" between obesity and diabetes."According to recent studies, 80 percent of diabetic patients are obese.""The distribution of abdominal fat influences this circumstance, since abdominal fat increases the possibility of developing insulin resistance and insulin resistance is associated with the possibility of developing type II diabetes mellitus."

In addition, the endocrinologist Francisco Javier Maravall adds, "to more sedentary lifestyle and greater waist perimeter, in a genetically susceptible person, diabetes will appear more or less early."

On the contrary, "the reduction of abdominal fat, and the inclusion of an aerobic physical activity in the usual routine, has demonstrated the ability to effectively delay the appearance of diabetes, and that when it appears, it is easier to obtain an optimal degreeMetabolic control, "conclude the specialists of the Nisa Rey Don Jaume hospital.