The Zaragoza Montpellier Clinic has gathered patients operated on obesity and diabetes from all over Spain on a day held on the occasion of the European Obesity Day, in which it was about the prevention and orientation to the treatment of obesity.

On the day, to the question of "Why are we obese?", It was clear that "obesity is a chronic disease that all humanity has and manifests when we eat more than we need", as the person in charge pointed outof the Surgery Unit The Narcopic of Obesity and Metabolism in Montpellier Clinic, Dr. Joaquín Resa."In fact," he said, "the evolution of man, physiologically and socially, has made us obese.No one personally is guilty of their obesity;The fault is inherited physiological and social conditions.Obesity is a disease, not a whim. ”

And this, according to the Montpellier clinic, the Obesity and Diabetes operated know firsthand, since they have reached the extreme of the maximum symptomatology, and have had to use the most aggressive and more effective treatment to lose weight."His testimony is inescapable and the debate raised from the maximum interest," said Joaquín Resa.

train patients

In addition, in a statement it indicates the clinic that practically all those attending the day had become part of the volunteers of the Doctor Rea and Friends Foundation for the prevention and treatment of obesity and its sequelae (suitable)."The Foundation takes its name from the desire to make more" apt "for life to obese, and wants to encourage the understanding of obesity to prevent and improve treatments," they say.

In this regard, Resa pointed out in the day that "one of its objectives is to train operated obese that can be our" ambassadors "in different cities, giving preventive talks in schools and institutions or explanatory colloquies with other obese."When operating patients from all over Spain and some foreign countries, said Joaquín Resa, "we have the possibility of having volunteers and transmitting our concerns to many people from different parts of geography."

In addition, it was reported that the Foundation has put people in touch so that they can donate clothes to each other (clothing bank program), offer jobs (work bank program), promote sports between them or give food left over to banksof food (kilo per kilo program).