The Diabetes Foundation has reminded us today that on May 28, World Nutrition Day is celebrated, which this year seeks to influence the need to maintain proper hydration, since water is one ofThe most important substances of the human body, sometimes forgotten, but essential for the optimal functioning of numerous organism processes.

Throughout the day, the organism loses water through different ways (sweating, urine and feces, and even breathing).In this sense, and as Serafín Murillo, Dietitian-Nutritionist and Advisor in Nutrition and Sports of the Diabetes Foundation, “Children and Adolescents with Diabetes explains, they must pay special attention to two usual situations in their daily lives, the practiceof physical activity and hyperglycemia ”.During the practice of physical activity, children and adolescents eliminate significant amounts of water, and not only in the form of sweat but also by evaporation, which is less noticeable and is not associated with the need to drink liquid.

On the other hand, augmented blood glucose values ​​(hyperglycemia) are partially eliminated by urine.This excreted glucose is accompanied by large amounts of water to form urine.Consequently, maintained hyperglycemia increases the risk of dehydration and therefore hydration should be key.

“These losses of body water should be constantly compensated, especially in people with diabetes, by intake of both water in solid foods and liquids.For this, it is advisable to include foods rich in water in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as maintaining a correct supply of liquids, ”said dietitian-nutritionist."It is also advisable to keep the drinks at moderate temperature, since if they are very cold or very hot, less amount is usually drink."

In addition, Serafín Murillo has insisted on the need for both children and teenagers with diabetes to keep in mind hydration, even before having thirst, because as indicated “when the sensation of thirst appears there is already a certain degree of dehydration”.