The TICSALUT Foundation, which belongs to the Department of Salut of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and Novo Nordisk have signed a collaboration agreement for the development of the Diacare project for the benefit of people with type 2 diabetes, as well as their environment, both personal and both personal andsanitary.The agreement has been ratified in Barcelona by the director of the TICSALUT Foundation, Dr. Francesc García Cuyás, and Olga Insua, general director of Novo Nordisk Spain.

The objective is to promote self -management and self -care by people with this type of diabetes that is the most prevalent.In fact, of the more than 5.3 million people with diabetes in our country between 90-95% they have it of type 2. For this, this service platform, through mobile technologies and based on the profile of the person withType 2 diabetes, will provide support and supervision tools allowing you to make decisions for optimal monitoring and control of your diabetes.However, it will also have tools for help and monitoring for health professionals and caregivers.

In the words of the Director of the ICTSalut Foundation, Francesc García Cuyás, “the development of this project arises from the need to integrate into a digital environment, in an interactive and personalized way all the essential services for people with type 2 diabetes. The implementation ofInformation and communication technologies (ICTs) in health is already a reality.And for us, as the promotion of the transformation of the health care model through ICTs, participating in initiatives such as this is satisfaction. ”

For its part, for Olga Insua, general director of Novo Nordisk Spain, this collaboration is part of the company's commitment to improve the quality of life of people with diabetes.“Diacare is another step in our daily work to continue advancing from innovation and research in diabetes care.The increase in this, the technological development and the growing access of the population to technological innovations make these tools essential to consolidate the medical-patient relationship, as well as help people with diabetes in the management of it in a simple way,agile and safe, ”he says.

on the Diacare platform

Among the main services that Diacare will offer are: a patient profile tool, where to define their specific needs and objectives according to the main diabetes health indicators (blood glucose level, medication and lifestyle);a support service for decision -making adapted to your profile and to which health and caregivers will also have access;An interactive newspaper for the self -control of blood glucose, medication, nutritional habits and physical exercise;and a monitoring and intervention service by health professionals in order to monitor the status of the person with diabetes and activate the necessary protocols in an emergency.