The objective of this unit is indicated in the motion, is to reduce the number of medical reviews, unifying them, and rethinking the management of the waiting lists in ophthalmology to prevent complications, fulfilling the criteria of the endocrine, and improving the diagnostic techniques of diagnosis ofOcular pathology such as periodic retinography, regardless of the patient's metabolic control.

The motion includes a second point where the Executive is located to establish mechanisms within the health system that guarantee a continuous and systematized "diabetological education" to the patients "throughout their lives and not only at the time of debut,reinforcing self -care and adhesion to treatment ».

In a third section, the Nafarroa Government is urged to unify criteria for the distribution of the fungible diabetes material improving the accessibility to it by the patients, ensuring compliance in all the Health Centers and hospitals of the Fisites.

In addition, the Government is requested to inform patients from endocrinology services on the application of new technologies in the treatment of diabetes, which allow greater adherence to treatment, a better self -control of the disease and a higher quality of lifeFor the person.

These new technologies at this time are insulin infusors (bike) and glucose sensors.

On the other hand, the Executive is asked to carry out a study that analyzes the needs and the possibilities of establishing the professional figure of nursing in public educational centers to promote health education and healthy habits, in addition to guaranteeing adequate attention tominors with certain pathologies such as diabetes.

The elaboration of a joint protocol, of mandatory, between the Department of Education, the Department of Health, Pediatric Diabetes Unit, Anadi and any other association was also demanded in this area, which guarantees adequate care in the educational centers ofminors with diabetes, in school and non -school hours, within the classroom and in activities such as excursions.

In turn, the Department of Education is requested that, to the extent that school canteens are currently subsidized, the APymas are asked to organize them to guarantee the correct coverage of the needs of all students, preventing children with children with girls withSpecial needs are excluded.

Finally, the Nafarroa Government is requested to review the medical exclusions cadres used in public employment and police calls, valuing each person with diabetes individually, taking into account the type of diabetes, treatment, degree of degree ofGlycemic control, acute and chronic knowledge and complications to define whether or not a person is suitable for that job.

The amendment contemplated another epigraph, rejected with the votes against EH Bildu and Geroa Bai and the abstentions of UPN, PPN and I-E, which urged the Executive to include glucose sensors in pharmaceutical benefits.

Only PSN and Podemos have voted in favor.Geroa Bai has presented a suppression amendment of this point, which has not been accepted.