The serious obesity in children between 5 and 9 years of age in high -risk populations, raises the possibility of having type 2 diabetes mellitus in youth, revealed a study presented at the 77th scientific session of the American Diabetes Association (ada byits acronym in English).

The research carried out among young Indian Americans in the southwest of the United States, a high -risk population, showed that the risk of developing the disease at age 20 was 12 times higher in children who were severely obese between 5 and 9 years, comparedWith young people of normal weight in that age range.

According to the study "Long -term risk of type 2 diabetes in youth with an increase in the severity of obesity," showed the impact of excessive overweight on the health of these people.

The author of the study, Madhumita Sinha, researcher at the National Health Institutes (NIH) in Phoenix, Arizona, said that research relates the risk of developing the disease associated with the body mass index (BMI), especially at very extremely very very extremesHigh.

Previously it was found that the index obtained from dividing the kilos that a person weighs by the square of the height is an element to predict if a young man can have diabetes in adulthood according to the measurements established for overweight and obesity (the latterin its four degrees).

However, what this analysis did was observe the number of new cases of the disease in young people who had severe obesity during their childhood.