For the purchase of medical supplies, the association of parents with children and young diabetics will raise funds on Friday, June 30 at the Juigalpa Park, those responsible for said organization reported.

Aracely Serrano, a nutritionist who belongs to the association, said they will do the activity because they need the Juigalpine population to collaborate economically with the cause.

He explained that in Chontales there are 28 children and young people from rural areas with diabetes, mostly type 1 and in some cases type 2.

"Since 1993 we support children with diabetes, we collect funds for the purchase of medical supplies: insulin, syringe and glucometer, so that they have a better quality of life," said Serrano, who explained that June 30 will be withA table in the central park of Juigalpa.

To treat children, they have an endocrinologist, a pediatrician, a nurse, a nutritionist and a psychologist.

He explained that because they do not have their own office, many times they go to the infant houses to attend them.

“There are parents who are difficult for them to identify (diabetes) and confuse.When the child has a lot of smear, they believe it is a Maña and until the child is quite serious they take him to the doctor, and it is there when they discover that it is diabetes, ”said Mariza del Carmen Taleno, responsible for the association.