A Mexican doctor claims to have discovered a possible cure for diabetes through a vaccine that promises to stop disease complications.However, the Cofepris warned in 2015, that the alternative treatment was fraud, and that the vaccine had no sanitary record.

Mexican doctor Jorge González Ramírez said he had developed a vaccine to cure diabetes based on authemotherapy.However, the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) warned, in 2015, that this alternative therapy had not been registered in Mexico, so its sale in the country is illegal.

Jorge González Ramírez is the founder of the Mexican Association for the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases and creator of autohemotherapy, an alternative treatment for diabetes.

Ramírez Segura that the use of autohemotherapy in patients would reduce costs in the purchase of glucose, medication and medical consultation controls, publishes this day the Middle International Business Times (IBT).