The scientist and former Minister of Health, Bernat Soria, has taught the inaugural conference on Tuesday, entitled "Can we overcome diabetes?: Where are we and what can we expect", in the Argüelles room of the Constitution 1812 building 1812 ofCádiz, in which he has treated the latest medical advances in research on this disease.

Soria was Minister of Health and Consumption between 2007 and 2009 and is president of the Spanish Diabetes Society and the European Network of Researchers with stem cells, since its creation in 2004.

Pioneer in the use of embryonic stem cells for therapeutic purposes, he was a professor of physiology at the universities of Alicante and Miguel Hernández and is director of the Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (Camiber) of Seville, in which he also leads a team ofResearch on stem cells and diabetes mellitus.

His work has been recognized with the Gold Medal and Prize of the Royal National Academy of Medicine (1989), the Diploma of the Society of Latin American Biophysics (1997), the National Basic Research Award of the Spanish Society of Diabetes (1998), the Company Foundation for the Best Medical Research Project 1998 or the 2000 Health Foundation Award, among others.

The Vice -Rectorate for Social Responsibility, University Extension and Services has organized this new edition of the summer courses of the University of Cádiz (UCA), where a rich and diverse theme about university cultural management, local history, literature, literature, literature, literature, literature, literature will be coveredSport, sustainable mobility, industry, tourism, participation, energy, historical memory or mindfulness.

Likewise, these days the courses' Cádiz and the Bay in the 18To Cádiz, 'The macho violence of each day', coordinated by the professor of the UCA, Francisca Fuentes, and the lawyer and president of the Association Pages Violeta, Mª Teresa Agudo, 'Sustainable mobility, design and execution of plans and programs in programs inUrban environments', under the direction of the teacher of the UCA, Eva Mulero, and the manager of Hyla Environmental training and socio -educational projects SLL, Nieves Gómez, as well as the one dedicated to 'Tourism: trends, opportunities and new technologies', with theCoordination of the UCA teacher, María Teresa Fernández Alles.