Gestational diabetes is one that can develop a woman during pregnancy, although she was not diabetic, explained José Antonio García Rivera, head of the jurisdiction of health services in Ensenada.

The doctor indicated that in Ensenada 2% of pregnant women suffer from gestational diabetes, and although it is a small figure, it is a national indicator to know how the development of a country is going.

"It is important to consider that most abortion threats are due to urinary tract infections, and patients with gestational diabetes regularly develop urinary tract infections and that increases the risks for the development of the baby," said García Rivera.

He recalled that it is important that pregnant patients meet at least six appointments during the management period for prenatal control and detect risk factors in time and prevent maternal death.

“If gestational diabetes is not controlled, it implies that the baby should be born much earlier and there the life of children is exposed, because a baby born in week 33 or 34 can already generate a problem by prematureAnd the mother too, ”he said.

García Rivera reiterated that if a person develops diabetes, it is not bad, as long as it is controlled, they adhere to the treatments, exercise and be careful with food, especially those with a high carbohydrate load.

He added that if during pregnancy, diabetes is controlled, the child can be born if no problem, even the disease disappears, that is, there is no danger of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus.

“All people are afraid after being diabetic to be diabetic for life, because they lose fear because it depends more on them than on the same disease, it depends on modifying their eating habits and sticking to the instruction of experts to reduceThe risks, ”he said.

Finally, he indicated that within the health sector should work on the training of doctors and guarantee supplies so that the patient has to control;However, the population must also put on their part by modifying their lifestyle.